Message from PAC
Dear Grauer Families,
My name is Sidney Chan and I am currently the chairman of the Grauer PAC (Parent Advisory Committee). The PAC is the officially recognized collective voice of parents with students attending R.M. Grauer Elementary School. The PAC works with the school on matters pertaining to the education of the students and to the school. Some of the responsibilities of the PAC include:
- Organize extracurricular activities to enrich the experience of the students attending the school. Examples include hot lunches, winter wonderland skating, movie night.
- Be a forum for the voices of the parents. To advise the principal and the staff on the parents’ views and feedback about school programs and policies.
- Encourage the involvement of parents in the school. To support programs that promote parent involvement.
- Promote cooperation between the school and home in providing support for the education of the students.
I am writing this letter to bring to your attention a pressing need of the PAC. The issue is that the majority of the elected officers of the Grauer PAC will be leaving their positions as their children transition to new schools, including myself. As such there is a need for people to fill these positions. Below are a list of positions. I have indicated which ones are required to have a functional PAC and which ones will become vacant.
- Chairman [required position, will be vacant]
- Treasurer [required position]
- Secretary [will be vacant]
- Hot Lunch Coordinator [will be vacant]
- Event Coordinator [currently vacant]
- Fundraising Coordinator [currently vacant]
As parents of students attending Grauer, you are all automatically members of the PAC. If you have interest in being an elected officer of the PAC and helping shape your children’s education experience, please contact Principal Plumb or myself at to express your interest. Also consider attending the PAC meeting on May 13 to see what it is all about. Commitment to a position involves attending these monthly meetings of ~1 hour duration to discuss activities and concerns of the school. The meetings are conducted online and the times are selected to better suit parents’ schedules.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours truly,
Sidney Chan