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MakerSpace Kinder

To support a collaborative community and promote creative thinking, risk-taking, critical thinking, and design thinking skills, Grauer teachers and students have collectively worked together to create a permanent makerspace.  The space fosters a maker culture as it allows students across all grades to explore a variety of hands-on materials and tools to design, collaborate, and create year-round.

-primary students nailed heart-shaped outlines onto wood and wove yarn to fill the center for February, friendship and family month (grades K to 2)

-students used loose parts to make stories as part of story workshop.  Students also used the loose parts to create and then write about meaningful symbols in their literature circle books (grades 2 and 3)

-wand designing and making as part of a collaborative ADST and literacy unit/novel study on Harry Potter,  (grades 3 to 7)


Updated: Wednesday, February 8, 2023